Monday 28 December 2009

Jungle trekkingz

Over chistmas I heard alot of the Jingle Bells song. It reminded me of Bukkit Lawang - Sumatra, they have a song for the tourists the tune of jingle bells.

"Jungle Trek, jungle trek, In bukkit lawang, see the birds and see the monkeys and see the orangutan!"

I would really love to go back, there was a moment that i had which is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. We had just finished trekking for about 5-6 hours through the rainforest and we got to our riverside camp. And by river side i mean it was a little bank on the side of a river haha. So we all went swimming and then were told that there was a waterfall a bit further down stream. So me, david plus maybe 5 other people went to check it out. We came to this little waterfall with a pool at the bottom of it but you could see further up that there were bigger and better waterfalls. Everyone else went up. I stayed in the tiny pool on my own sat on a fallen down tree. They were out of ear shot and it felt like i was in the jungle on my own. It was incredible, i looked down and saw that there were the little fish that eat dead skin swimming around and nibbling my feet and legs.

One of the best memories of my life. Just thought i would share that with whoever reads it.

Thursday 24 December 2009

Make me blue?

Last Sunday, I went to see Avatar with my family. It was good. Last night I saw it in 3D and it really feels like it has changed me. I have never left a cinema with so many things running through my head. From my point of view, the messeges behind the film are completely "green". Its set in the future when humans have used up all of our Earths resources and move to another planet to start the cycle again. I can't get over it, its such a spiritual film, normally stuff like that doesnt affect me but for some reason, because it involves nature, it really makes me think "whats stopping us from completely ruining our planet?" and "maybe in 50 years, people on our planet will look back at photos and footage and be in such awe at its beauty, like i was with Pandora, when there is nothing left".

I know this is just a small blog, but we really need to stop now. Especially because my job is going to be set around nature etc, I really do not want to see it slowly die out infront of me. Coral has already started disappearing and a crazy rate due to acidification of the oceans.

Never thought a film would make me think so much. crazy shit.

Im becoming more and more obsessed with sharks, it started in Gili T. I used to wake up, have coffee with an Indo family and play with their kids at breakfast. Stroll down to the dive centre, go for a dive where I could see turtles, reef sharks (and one Zebra Shark), morays, lionfish, rays. awesome. Go back to the dive shop for maybe 11am. Sit in a hammock and read about sharks for 4-5 hours. Go to the beach, snorkel for an hour. Go to work in the hotel for 4 hours. Meet some friends and get drunk evvvery day. Take me back?

Got a shark book of Dave and Lauren for christmas, no photos, just illustrations which I actually really like. For the first time in my life I have been motivated to sketch haha.

ooh well, its Christmas eve, done hammertime last night til gone 2 haha. It was really good seeing everyone again, it also really makes me want to play bass in a band.

Im going to go eat some golden nuggets now. If you digg nature, go see Avatar in 3d. and check this....

Monday 21 December 2009


Amsterdam is booked. Oh yeah!

Staying in a hostel, there are 7 of us in an 8 bed dorm room. So I am really hoping for a fucking weird sex tourist to be in the last bed haha!

I really want to get these suits and wander around amsterdam trying to sing.

As of January 4th, until the 8th. My mood - melted butter on warm bread.

"Excuse me while I light my spliff, SPLIFF!
Oh Jah I got to take a lift, LIFT!
From reality i just can't drift, DRIFT
Thats why im sticking with this riff, RIFF!"

easy now.

Can I have a pencil?

Wow. So, jumping on the blogging bandwagon. Always wanted to start one to see if people are actually interested in what I say and think, but also somewhere to complain haha.

So, I have finished my first term in university, studying Marine and Natural History Photography and I am now back in the lovely city of Newport, South Wales. Mmmm. Back to work my ass off over christmas because im a moron and did not save a penny from the first term. So now im working christmas day and new years eve which will be fun.

Enough of the shit stuff. Saturday (stars in their eyes, le pub) was one of the best nights of my entire life. David and Lauren came back, he sang Journey, I saw my friends from Newport which was awesome. But I had six really special friends turn up, Calvin - the last time i saw him was being waved off in a taxi in Kuta, Bali - Indonesia. The five Bristol boys also came and the last time I saw them was being waved off on the 10th of July on Koh Phangan, Thailand the day after Full Moon party. The feeling of seeing these guys was overwhelming and I actually think I have never felt so happy. Being surrounded by some of the best friends I have ever had was just amazing. The only thing lacking was the friends from Uni. But thats a story for another day.

The night ended very well, going back to Rohans (who left early cus he was a sleepy pants, bless) with Calvin, Shuv and Laura and watched an episode of Life, the newest David Attenborough series. It has the most incredible footage of a group of male Humback Whales rushing to shag the bird Humpback. I honestly think I made everyone watch it over 5 times. Sleep time. Wake up...egg and beans!

Tonight I have been watching wrestling videos, getting bored, then watching shark videos....which is not boring. I want to draw sharks...can I borrow a pencil?